Research interests

Socio-economic and political influences on mediatised environments, mainly, but not exclusively, through the medium of radio and the practices of journalism. Themes included democratisation and identity, citizenship and representation, as well as globalisation, technological advance and digital migration.

Research profile

Professor Guy Starkey was a former practitioner in radio and magazine journalism and production who then broadcast regularly on internet radio stations and on community radio in Spain. On 4 January 2016 he took up the role of Associate Dean (Global Engagement) for the Faculty of Media and Communication of Bournemouth University, UK. Previously he was Professor of Radio and Journalism at the University of Sunderland, UK, where he had a number of roles as Associate Dean (Media), Head of Department (Media), Principal Lecturer and Senior Lecturer. He began teaching media production, journalism, media law and public affairs, as well as working for his MA Media Education (London) and his PhD (London), in Hampshire, UK, after leaving Radio City, Liverpool, now part of the Bauer Media Group.

Past media industry credits include commercial radio and BBC Radio 4 in the UK, offshore radio in the Mediterranean and transnational radio on the French Riviera, as well as the British Forces Broadcasting Service in Gibraltar. His magazine credits included titles from Caterer & Hotelkeeper to Celebrity and Building Today. He was a member of the Advisory Board of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), of which he was Sections Representative on the Executive Board (2014–15) and Chair of the ECREA Radio Research Section (2008–2014). He was a member of the Steering Committee of the Radio Studies Network within MeCCSA and of the Comite Scientifique of the Groupe de Recherches et d'Etudes sur la Radio (GRER). Guy has served as a judge for the following industry awards: The New York International Radio Awards, The Radio Academy Radio Production Awards and the Frank Gillard BBC Local Radio Awards.


2015:  Local Radio, Going Global (Palgrave Macmillan, revised paperback edition)

2014:  Radio: The Resilient Medium, co-edited with M. Oliveira and G Stachyra (Sunderland: Centre for Research in Media & Cultural Studies)

2014:  Radio in Context (2nd edition, Palgrave Macmillan)

2011:  Local Radio, Going Global (Palgrave Macmillan)  

2011: (co-edited with A. Gazi and S. Jedrzejewski), Radio Content in the Digital Age: The Evolution of a Sound Medium (Intellect)

2009:  Radio Journalism (Sage), co-authored with Andrew Crisell

2007:  Balance and Bias in Journalism: Representation, Regulation & Democracy (Palgrave Macmillan)

2004:  Radio in Context (Palgrave)

Book Chapters 

2014:  'When speech was "meaningful" and presenters were just a phone call away: the development of popular radio talk formats in early UK commercial radio' in T Bonini and B Monclus (eds), Radio Audiences and Participation in the Age of Nework Society (London: Routledge)

2014:  'Radio's audiences' in M. Conboy and J. Steel, The Routledge Companion to British Media History (Routledge)

2013:  'Networks of belonging: Interaction, participation and consumption of mediatised content' (co-authored with Paula Cordeiro, Manuel Damasio, Ines Botelho, Patrica Dias, Carla Ganito, Catia Ferreira, and Sara Henriques), in Nico Carpentier, Kim Christian Schroder and Lawrie Hallett (eds),Audience Transformations: Shifting Audience Positions in Late Modernity (Routledge)

2013:  Foreword to C. Todd, The History of a Popular European Radio Station: From Radio Luxembourg to RTL (Lampeter: The Edwin Mellen Press)

2013:  'Radio and localness: ownership and content in the divergent/convergent age of media proliferation' in G. Stachyra (ed), Radio: Community, Challenges, Aesthetics (Lublin: Maria Curie-Sklodowska University Press)

2012:  'Live and local no more? Listening communities and globalising trends in the ownership and production of local radio' in Madalena Oliveira, Pedro Portela, Luis Antonio Santos (eds), Radio Evolution: Conference Proceedings (Braga: University of Minho)

2011:  'Cyfrowe radio w erze cyfrowej? Wyzwania cyfrowej migracji: studium pryzypadku', in G. Stachyra and E. Pawlak-Hejno, Radio i spoleczenstwo (Lublin: Wydawnictwo UMCS), pp. 33-45

2011:  'Hear today and on tomorrow: the future of news and "news talk" in an era of digital radio' in The Routledge Companion to News and Journalism (co-authored with Andrew Crisell), ed Stuart Allan (London: Routledge)

2009:  'Radio' in D. Albertazzi and P. Cobley (eds) The Media: An Introduction (Pearson Education, 3rd edition)

2008:  'Mais, est-ce encore de la radio? Programmation et transmission en mutation en temps de crise' in B. Wuillème (ed), La radiodiffusion auz tournants des siècles (University Jean Moulin)

2008:  'Democratización de los mass-media por la proliferación de las nuevas tecnologías: cambios en la regulación y la radiodifusión comunitaria' in C. Peñafiel Saiz (ed) Transformaciones de la radio y la televisión en Europa (Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco), pp. 67-74 

2007:  'Regulation and democracy: public service broadcasting, commercial competition and participatory radio in the xx and xxi centuries' in S. Jedrzejewski (ed) The Medium with A Promising Future (Lublin: Wydawnictwo), pp. 99-110

2006:  'News on Local Radio' co-authored with A. Crisell, in R. Franklin (ed) Local Journalism and Local Media (Routledge)

2004:  'Radio Five Live: Extending Choice through "Radio Bloke"?' in A. Crisell (ed) More than a Music Box: Radio Cultures and Communities in a Multi-Media World (Berghahn)

2003:  'Are Radio Audiences Choosing to Reject Greater Choice?' in S. Ralph, C. Lees & H. Manchester (eds) Diversity or Anarchy? (University of Luton Press)

Journal Articles

2015:  'Radio formats and social media use in Europe - 28 case studies of public service practice' (co-authored with T. Bonini, E. Fesbeau, J. Gallego Perez, C. Luthje, S. Jedrzejewski, A. Pedroia, U. Rohn, T. Sellas and F. Stiernstedt
The Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media(Bristol: Intellect)

2015:  'Cultural policy in the coalition years: laissez faire regulation, the public spending squeeze and the drive to digital', Cultural Trends, vol 24, no 1 

2014 (forthcoming):  'Radio formats and social media use in Europe - 28 case studies of public service practice' (co-authored with T. Bonini, E. Fesbeau, J. Gallego Perez, C. Luthje, S. Jedrzejewski, A. Pedroia, U. Rohn, T. Sellas and F. Stiernstedt), The Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast and Audio Media (Bristol: Intellect)

2014:  '"Generation C" and audio media: a cross-cultural analysis of differences in media consumption in four European countries' (with A Gazi, P Cordeiro and D Dimitrakopoulou), Participations: Journal of Audience and Reception Studies, special issue on 'Generations as (media) Audiences (eds A. Siibak, N. Vittadini & G. Nimrod), November

2013:  '"Enlightment" and "paternalism" in radio and television', Tripodos: Llenguatge, Pensament, Comunicacio, 33, December (Barcelona: Universitat Ramon Llull)

2013:  'Radio: the resilient medium in today's increasingly diverse multi-platform media environment',Chinese Radio Journal, vol. 8 (August)

2013:  'The resilient medium of radio in the increasingly diverse multi-platform media environment of today', China Broadcasts (August)

2013:  'Trust in the diverging, convergent multi-platform media environment', Communication Management Quarterly, 26 (Spring)

2012:  'Radio studies: the sound and vision of an established medium in the digital age', Sociology Compass (November)

2011:  'Directo e local nunca mais? As comunidades ouvintes e as tendencias de globalacao na propriedade e producao de radios locais' ('Live and local no more? Listening communities and gloablising trends in the ownership and production of local radio'), Comunicacao e Sociedade (Braga: Universidade do Minho Press), no. 20: 157-72

2008:  'The quiet revolution: DAB and the switchover to digital radio in the United Kingdom', Revista ZER(University of the Basque Country), November

2008:  'La bande sonore de nos vies', MédiaMorphoses (Armand Colin), June.

2004:  'Estimating audiences: sampling in television and radio audience research' Cultural Trends(Taylor & Francis)

2003:  'Radio Audience Research: Challenging the "Gold Standard",' Cultural Trends No. 45 (Policy Studies Institute, University of Westminster)


2011:  'Why it works: 28 successful case histories of European public service radio formats', EBU Annual Report (co-authored with T Bonini, E Fesneau, J Perez Gallego, S Jedrzejewski, A Pedroia, C Luthje, U Rohn, F Stiernstedt, T Sellas.


Papers at international conferences

2015:  (with Dr Hao Ye, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) 'Identity and globalisation in mulitmedia news journalism: a cross-cultural comparison of news web sites in China and the United Kingdom', at the 3rd Annual Centre for Culture and Cultural Studies Conference, Culture and Identity, Skopje, Macedonia (September)

2015:  'Challenges and opportunities: Communication research in a multi-platform world', opening keynote paper at the 3rd Annual Centre for Culture and Cultural Studies Conference, Culture and Identity, Skopje, Macedonia (September)

2015:  (with Dr Hao Ye, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) 'Multimedia news websites: conceptual and methodological issues in comparative analysis of journalism practice in China and United Kingdom', at the IAMCR conference, Montreal (July)

2015:  'Twitter and the 2014 elections to the European Parliament: Tweets from the United Kingdom', at the IAMCR conference, Montreal (July)

2015:  (with Dr Hao Ye, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) 'Online news journalism: challenges in cross-cultural analysis of multimedia practice in China and the United Kingdom', at the inaugural UK-China Media and Cultural Studies Association Conference, Cardiff (February)

2014:  (with Katy McDonald) '"Local radio, delivered nationally": News hubs and the impact on news production of recent changes in regulation, ownership and the local content requirement in th UK commerial sector', ECREA European Communication Conference, Lisbon (November)

2014:  'New media development: challenges for the political economy and practices of established media'. Invited keynote speaker, 2014 International Forum on New Media, Shanghai Jiao Tong University/ICA, Shanghai, China (October)

2014:  'Narrative on radio: Traditional storytelling and the challenge of digital visualisation'. Invited keynote speaker, 10th Bienial International of Radio, National Centre of Arts, Mexico City (October)

2014:  (with Dr Hao Ye, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) 'Multimedia journalism in China and the UK: Synergies and harmonisation across national and cultural divides', IAFOR North American Convergence on Media, Film and Cultural Studies, Rhode Island, USA (September)

2014:  Invited Welcome Address, on behalf of ECREA Executive Board, at opening ceremony of the 2nd Annual Centre for Culture and Cultural Studies Conference (Media: Theory and Practice), Skopje, Macedonia (September)

2014:  '"Local radio, delivered nationally" or "national brand, delivered locally"? News and programming hubs and the impact on content production of recent changes in regulation, ownership and the local content requirement in the UK commercial sector', the 2nd Annual Centre for Culture and Cultural Studies Conference (Media: Theory and Practice), Skopje, Macedonia (September)

2014:  Invited speaker at the Senses of Home: Local Media in a Global World conference, Halle, Germany (July)

2014:  'Public Service Media: the UK', invited speaker at Public Media in the Service of Democracy, Polish Experiences alongside the European Practice: The First International Conference of Public Media in Poland, Krakow (June)

2014:  'Radio: the resilience of an established medium', keynote speaker at 'Old Media' in 'New Media' Era: Adjustment Strategies of Traditional Media to New Media Reality, Olsztyn (June)

2014:  (with Katy McDonald) 'Changing practices in the production of radio news journalism: a case study of the UK', in French and English, GRER conference (Information et journalisme radiophonique a l'ere du numerique), Strasbourg (March)

2013:  Welcome address and closing plenary as ECREA Radio Research Section Chair and Conference Chair, ECREA Radio Research Section conference (Radio, The Resilient Medium), University of Sunderland London Campus (September)

2013:  'Analogue yet digital: the paradox of radio's transition to modern production methods and its reputation as an "old" medium', Radio: A Transnational Forum, University of Bedfordshire (July)

2013:  'Redefining radio in a time of crisis: "audio studies" as an emerging discipline', Political Economy Section, IAMCR, Dublin (June)

2013:  Invited speaker at the 37th meeting of the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA),'The sustainability of local TV and local radio', Krakow (May)

2012:  (with Katy McDonald) 'Local radio, audiences and content in a connected and increasingly mediatised world', ECREA ECC2012 conference, Istanbul (October)

2012:  '"Auntie's bastard children": programme sharing and local content on BBC local radio', MeCCSA conference, Luton (January)

2011:  'Local audiences, local media: the impact on the provision of local media of recent developments in regulation and technology', Transforming Audiences conference, University of Westminster (September)

2011:  'Live and local no more? Listening communities and globalising trends in the ownership and production of local radio', Radio Evolution, the ECREA Radio Research Section conference, University of Minho, Portugal (September).

2011:  'A travers la frontiere, l'espoir et l'echec: les <mini-peripheriques> de Vintimille, Azur 102 et Radio Nova International', paper in French at the GRER conference, Radios libres, 30 ans de FM: la parole liberee? Paris (May) 

2011:  'The challenges of new media and renewal in the traditional medium of radio: the benefits of passivity', COST Action IS0906: Transforming Societies conference, University of Zagreb (April)

2011:  'Representation, regulation and democracy: new challenges for audiences in the diverging, convergent multi-platform environment', COST Action IS0906: Transforming Societies conference, University of Zagreb (April)

2011:  Panel chair of industry round table: 'Audience research: academic and non-academic approaches and cooperation possibilities'. Panel members were Maya Gotz, Director, International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television; Andrzej Olszewski, Chairman, TNS Poland; Wouter Quartier, Flemish VRT Research Department; and Simona Sbarbaro, Head of Research, MTV International (April)

2011:  Panel chair, 'Online broadcasting', Radio em Congresso, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Lisbon (March)

2011:  'Media literacy, why radio too', invited speaker, Media Literacy: A Critical Moment conference, organised by MEDIA Desk Ireland and the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI), Dublin (February)

2011:  (with Katy McDonald) 'Consolidation in the uK commercial radio sector: the impact on newsroom practice of recent changes in regulation, ownership and the local content requirement', MeCCSA conference, University of Salford.

2010:  'Narrative on radio in teh English-speaking world: tradition and renewal', Radio et narration: le reenchantement? conference, Universite de Louvain, Brussels (November).

2010:  (with Katy McDonald) 'Localness and local radio: ownership, content and news practices in the commercial sector', Sounding Out 4, Bournemouth University (September).

2010:  'Active and passive media in the age of media convergence and interactivity', International Summer School, Communication University of China, Beijing (July).

2010:  'Digital radio in the digital age? The challenge of digital migration: a case study'. Invited keynote address at radio conference, Lublin, Poland (April).

2010:  'Balance and Bias in Journalism'. Invited keynote address at Erasmus Mundus Alumni conference, Bordeaux (March).

2010:  Invited keynote address at radio conference, Lisbon (March).

2010: 'Cornering the market: ownership and regulatory influences on diminishing pluralism in news provision on radio', MeCCSA conference, LSE, London (January).

2009: 'Hot and cold media - or active and passive? Radio and Web 2.0 in today's global village', closing plenary paper, GRER conference: Vers la Post-Radio, Paris (November).

2009:  'On with the quiet revolution: digital migration of radio broadcasting in the United Kingdom', plenary paper, and 'Radio listening and radio research: essential synergies', welcome address, both at Radio Content in the Digital Age, ECREA Radio Research Section, Cyprus (October).

2009:  'How Cinderella came late to the ball: the development of radio studies in the UK and Europe', The Radio Conference 2009: A Transnational Forum (July).

2009:  'Radio studies: how Cinderella arrived lat to the ball', MeCCA conference, Bradford (January).

2008:  'Airing difference: speech radio in participatory democracy', ECREA conference, Barcelona (November).

2008:  'Digital Radio in the United Kingdom: an advanced model', 11 Congreso del las Americas, Mexico City (October).

2008:  'Two digits to DAB? The development of digital radio in the United Kingdom', Sounding Out 4, University of Sunderland (September).

2008:  'Television audience research in the United Kingdom', first AudiTVMonde seminar, Paris (June).

2007:  'Reasons to be fearful? Radio's "lost generation"', The Radio Conference: a Transnational Forum, University of Lincoln.  Also, member of ECREA Radio section panel debate 'The Future and Dynamics of Radio Research' (July). 

2007:  'Creativity, culture and democracy: the role of radio'on GRER panel at AIERI/IAMCR conference, UNESCO, Paris. Also, member of panel discussion 'Les recherches sur la radio' (July).

2006:  'Radio: theorising the future/theorising in future (with French PowerPoint Radio: théoriser le futur/théoriser au futur)', keynote address at IREN conference, Quelles voix/voies pour le futur, Brussels (November).

2006:  'Regulation and democracy: representation of politics in the media - a comparative study', Politics and the Media conference, Sunderland (November).

2006:  'Mais, est-ce encore de la radio? Programmation et transmission en mutation en temps de crises', La radiodiffusion aux tournants des siècles, Lyon, France (June)

2006:  'Regulation and democracy - PSB, commercial and participatory radio in the 20th and 21st centuries', The Medium with the Promising Future (Radio in Central and Eastern European Countries),Lublin, Poland (June).

2006:  'The democratisation of the media through proliferation: new technologies, changes in regulation and community broadcasting', Jornadas Internacionales de la Radio y la Television, Bilbao (January) ( 

2004:  'Knowing and reading audiences - epistemological issues in academic and practitioner audience research',  International Radio Summer School and Conference, University of Siena, Siena, Italy ( (July). 

2004:  'Methodological issues in audience research', Radio Studies Network conference, University of Luton (January). 

2003:  'Institutional polemic in current affairs broadcasting: political positioning in programme content and structures at Current Affairs - An Endangered Species', University of Bournemouth (November)

2003:  'Case study: peer- and self-assessment in media production work groups', AMPE Conference, University of Sunderland (November)

2002:  An Extraordinary Pirate: The Voice of Peace 1973-1993, given at the Visions conference, University of Central Lancashire, Preston (June) (click the title to view and hear the Power Point presentation)

2001:  The Politics of the Today Programme, given at the Radiodyssey conference of the Radio Studies Network, University of Sussex, Brighton (July) (click the title to view the Power Point presentation)

2001:  Are Radio Audiences Choosing to Reject Greater Choice? given at International Broadcasting Symposium, University of Manchester (May) (click the title to view the PowerPoint presentation)

2000:  Taking on the Tabloids: A Rationale for the Teaching of Media Practice, given at the AMPE conference, Bournemouth (September) (click the title to read the paper in Word format) 

1997:  Teaching Media Practice: Education, Training Or 'Technicism', given at the media teaching conference at Royal Holloway College, University of London (July).


Research projects and collaborations

Project Title:
NETStation: Shaping radio for the web environment (International consultant to the project)

Funding Bodies:  European Union, Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, Quadro de Referencia Estrategico Nacional (QREN), COMPETE
Award:  64,980 euros (over 30 months)
Date:  2012-2014

Run by the University of Minho, Portugal, the project's objectives include to understand how traditional radios are responding to Web challenges, by observing the sound offer made available by the principal national radio stations on their own websites, and to investigate the effective audiences' uses of audio products available online, as a way of questioning the vitality of radio in multimedia context.

Collaborating Partners:  Maria Madalena da Costa Oliveira, Luis Antonio Martins dos Santos, Pedro Jose Ermida Figueiredo Fernandes Portela, Ana Isabel Crispim Mends Reis, Fabio Fonseca Ribeiro (Minho), Stanislaw Jedrzejewski (Kozminski University, Poland)

Outputs:  TBA



Project Title: Generations Online in Europe (Participating partner)

Funding Body:  Institute of Social and Political Science (ISCSP)/CAPP (Centre for Public Adminstration & Policies) at the Technical University of Lisbon (UTL)
Award:  N/A
Date:  2010-2014

This project concerns the study of radio listening among baby boomers, generation X and generation Y with audio content consumption and social networking.

Collaborating Partners:  Paula Cordeiro, Sonia M. Pedro Sebastiao, Raquel Ribeiro (Technical University of Lisbon), Dimitra Dimitrakopoulou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki),and  Angeliki Gazi (Cyprus University of Technology)

Outputs:  TBA



Project Title:
COST Action IS0906 Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies (Collaborating member)

Funding Body:  European Union
Award:  618,000 euros (over 48 months)
Date:  2010-2014

COST Action IS0906 is coordinating research efforts on the key transformations of European audiences within a changing media and communication environment, identifying their complex interrelationships with the social, cultural and political areas of European societies.

Collaborating Partners:  31 participating countries and 260 individual participants


  • 2013: 'Networks of belonging: Interaction, participation and consumption of mediatised content' (Paula Cordeiro, Manuel Damasio, Guy Starkey, Ines Botelho, Patrica Dias, Carla Ganito, Catia Ferreira, and Sara Henriques), in Nico Carpentier, Kim Christian Schroder and Lawrie Hallett (eds), Audience Transformations: Shifting Audience Positions in Late Modernity (Routledge)
  • 2013: 'Trust in the diverging, convergent multi-platform media environment' (Guy Starkey), inCommunication Management Quarterley, 26, Spring
  • 2011: 'The challenges of new media and renewal in the traditional medium of radio: the benefits of passivity', COST Action conference, University of Zagreb (April)
  • 2011: 'Representation, regulation and democracy: new challenges for audiences in the diverging, convergent multi-platform environment', COST Action conference, University of Zagreb (April)
  • 2011: Panel chair of industry round table: 'Audience research: academic and non-academic approaches and cooperation possibilities'. Panel members were: Maya Gotz, Director, International Central Institute for Youth and Educational Television; Andrzej Olszewski, Chairman, TNS Poland; Wouter Quartier, Flemish VRT Research Department; and Simona Sbarbaro, Head of Research, MTV International. COST Action conference, University of Zagreb (April)



Project Title: 
AudiTVMonde (Collaborating partner)

Funding Body:  Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Award:  83,000 euros (over 36 months)
Date:  2008-2010

This project contributed to the development of international and comparative forms of media research. It was located at the intersection of two domains: first the history and sociology of representations of the television audience, second cultural globalization. The aim of the project was to explain the genesis and the current changes of quantitative audience indices, among other forms of representations of the audience used by television organizations in several countries. It focused on this form of representation of the audience as it seems to have become the dominant one in all broadcasting systems, private as well as public. It circulates way beyond the world of television, it is published by all other major media and it permeates the public debate. The research analyzed its arrival in different national contexts, in relation to the previous forms of audience representation: television critiques, peer groups, mail, images of the prototypical or exemplary spectator, and first, irregular polls and surveys.

Collaborating Partners:  Esther Hamburger (Universidade de São Paulo), Francois Heinderyckx (Université libre de Bruxelles), Peppino Ortoleva (Università di Torino), Paola Pallavicini (Università di Torino), Guy Starkey (University of Sunderland), Mirta Varela (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Susanne Vollberg (University of Leipzig), Céline Ségur (Université de Metz), Jérôme Bourdon (PI; Tel Aviv University, Centre de sociologie de l'innovation), Cécile Méadel (PI; Centre de sociologie de l'innovation - CNRS- École des mines, Paris)

2008: 'Television audience research in the UK', first AudiTVMonde seminar, Paris (June)